Tyres are an essential component in your vehicle and this affects its performance, safety and fuel efficiency. You need to inspect the tyres regularly so that you can get an idea of when to replace them. This will lead to a safer driving experience as well.
An important sign to consider
When determining whether it is time to replace your tyres is the tread. If the treads are worn out, this is when you should replace the tyres. The tread depth has to be at least 1.6mm at this stage. But some safety experts will recommend that you will need to replace the tyres when the tread depth is below 3mm. You will need to check the safety recommendations in your region to get an idea of this. There are also tread wear indicators in modern tyres. These are raised sections in the bottom of the tread grooves. When the tread wears down to the levels of indicators, you can replace the tyre. Another reason for tyre replacement Perth is uneven wear. This can be due to improper inflation of the tyre, suspension issues or misalignment. Tyre life and performance will be reduced as a result of this and you will need to replace the tyres prematurely.
You have to inspect the tyre regularly for uneven wear patterns
If one side is wearing out more than the other, or if there is scalping, bald spots etc. this is a significant cause for concern. You will need to address the underlying causes for this by ensuring proper wheel alignment, tyre inflation and maintenance of the suspension. Sometimes there can be cracks or cuts in the sidewall of the tyres. This is because with time, the rubber in the tyres can crack or degrade when they are exposed to ozone, sunlight and other chemicals. When the sidewalls are cracked, this indicates potential tyre failure. There can also be blisters or bulges in the tyre sidewall that can occur when the internal structure of the tyre is compromised. This can be due to damage from impacts like hitting a curb or pothole. When there is a bulging tyre, this indicates a high risk for a blowout and you will need to replace it immediately.
You have to consider the age of the tyres
They have a lifespan and the rubber compound of the tyre can deteriorate over time which can reduce the safety and effectiveness of the tyre. You have to check the code on the tyre sidewall for the manufacture date. If the tyre is older than six to ten years, you have to replace it even when the tread has not worn out. There are some signs of aging you can look for as well. Tyres tend to harden and crack when they are aged. Flexibility is the first thing to go with age and this can lead to a rougher ride. Sometimes, there can be unusual vibration which can indicate problems with the tyre. This can be due to misalignment, imbalance or internal damage. When the road noise has increased compared to normal, this can be a sign of tyre issues as well. This can be a result of tread separation or uneven wear.