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Did you know what bacterial vaginosis is? Read more to know


Bacterial vaginosis is a form of vaginal irritation brought on by an overabundance of the normally occurring bacteria in the vagina, which throws off the delicate balance.

Although it can afflict women of any age, bacterial vaginosis is more common in women in their reproductive years. The exact cause is unknown, however certain behaviors like unprotected intercourse or regular douching raise your risk.

Signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis can include: Thin, gray, white, or green vaginal discharge. Fishy-smelling, foul-smelling vaginal odor. Itchy vagina. Discomfort while urinating. Many women who have bacterial vaginosis show no symptoms at all.

One of the many bacteria that are naturally present in your vagina causes bacterial vaginosis when it overgrows. Lactobacilli, the good bacteria, typically outnumber bad bacteria (anaerobes). However, an excess of anaerobic bacteria can lead to bacterial vaginosis by upsetting the normal balance of microorganisms in your vagina. It’s essential to check the type of bacteria using smear methods, you can test here in diagnostic labs.

The following are risk factors for bacterial vaginosis:

A new sex partner or several sex partners. Although the connection between sexual activity and bacterial vaginosis is not entirely understood by medical professionals, the condition is more common in women who have several sex partners or a new sex partner. Additionally, women who have intercourse with other women are more likely to contract bacterial vaginosis.

Douching. Douching is a process that disturbs the natural equilibrium of your vagina by rinsing it out with water or a cleansing substance. Anaerobic bacteria may overgrow as a result, which can result in bacterial vaginosis. Douching is not required because the vagina cleans itself.

Lack of lactobacilli bacteria by nature. You are more prone to get bacterial vaginosis if your natural vaginal environment doesn’t produce enough of the beneficial lactobacilli bacteria.

Bacterial vaginosis typically has no side effects. Having bacterial vaginosis can occasionally result in:

Preterm delivery. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is associated with early delivery and low birth weight kids. Infections spread through sexual contact. Women who have bacterial vaginosis are more likely to contract STIs such HIV, herpes simplex virus, chlamydia, or gonorrhea. Bacterial vaginosis increases the likelihood that you will transmit HIV to your partner if you already have the infection.

Risk of infection following gynecological surgery. If you have bacterial vaginosis, you run a higher risk of getting an infection after surgery such a hysterectomy or dilation and curettage (D&C).

Inflamed vulvar tissue (PID). PID, an infection of the uterus and fallopian tubes that can raise the risk of infertility, is occasionally brought on by bacterial vaginosis.

To lessen the risk of bacterial vaginosis:

Reduce vaginal irritability. Use unscented tampons or pads and gentle, no deodorant washes. Avoid douching. Only a regular bath is necessary to clean your vagina. Douching frequently throws off the vaginal balance and could make you more susceptible to vaginal infections. A vaginal infection cannot be cured by douching.

Steer clear of sexually transmitted diseases. Reduce your risk of contracting an STD by using a male latex condom, limiting the number of partners you have sex with, or refraining from sexual activity.

Loren Jenkins
the authorLoren Jenkins