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Knee surgery and all about it


If the structure of your knee is damaged, you may need surgery.  Pain relief for other conditions, such as bone injuries or osteoporosis, may be necessary if knee pain is not relieved by other means.  If you choose surgery, the anesthesiologist will not allow you to feel any pain during the procedure.  As pain management professionals, anesthesiologists also play a key role in postoperative pain relief and recovery.  Pain relief after surgery is significant for active participation in physical therapy and rehabilitation. The most common knee surgeries include arthroscopy, a surgical technique used to correct various knee problems, or a knee replacement.

The most common knee arthroscopy procedures are: Removing or repairing a torn meniscus, a type of cartilage in the knee that cushions and stabilizes the joint.  Repairing a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament, a ligament that helps stabilize the knee joint. Removal of inflammatory synovial tissue Cut damaged meniscus, Removal of soft parts of bone or cartilage, Knee problems treatment, knee treatment.

Knee replacement:  In a knee replacement, the surgeon removes the damaged parts of the knee joint and replaces them with new ones made of materials such as metal, ceramic, or plastic.   As in the name the surgeon does not replace the entire knee joint.

 Selecting a good surgeon is essential as they will help you understand the procedure and do the after checkup appropriately. You can do some research on knee surgery melbourne if you live in Melbourne to find a good surgeon. After knee replacement surgery, you may feel temporary pain in the new joint.  However, physical therapy can often be started the day after surgery.  Physical activity after surgery is the key to success.  This is especially important in managing pain after surgery so that you can actively participate in physical therapy.

The knee replacement is expected to last at least 15 years and some serve 20 years or more.  Because knee replacements don’t last forever, age is a factor in choosing between surgery and other pain treatments.

Several options for managing pain after knee surgery should be considered.  These options should be discussed with a pain specialist who can explain the pros and cons or alternative combinations of each option, including effectiveness, potential side effects, potential dependence, and impact on the recovery process.  Anesthesiologists can work with you to develop a pre- and post-operative plan tailored to your condition, personal history and preferences.

Anyone who has had knee surgery should keep the wound as dry as possible until it is completely healed.  Covering the wound with a bandage also helps prevent irritation from supportive stockings and other clothing. A healthy, balanced diet can help restore a person’s appetite for the first few days after surgery.

A few weeks after total knee replacement surgery, the doctor removes all stitches or large parts.  They assess how well a wound is healing.  The physical therapist will provide the individual with a personalized exercise and activity plan.

If a person is recovering from a fracture, the doctor may take an X-ray to check the healing process.  They also explain when hind leg loading is safe and when the rehabilitation process can begin.

Loren Jenkins
the authorLoren Jenkins